Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Butterbeer Cupcakes!

I think it would be safe to say I've been on a bit of a baking kick lately. I used to bake fairly often when I was in high school, but as soon as I began university I found it difficult to set aside time to even just throw a batch of cookies into the oven. But the past few weeks I've been making dozens of cookies, and the other week I decided I wanted to retry a recipe I made once before moving out for first year that I had botched a bit from lack of proper ingredients. (NOTE: When a recipe asks for "Butter Flavouring" don't just add extra butter. Just... don't.) The recipe I'm referring to is the scrumptious Butterbeer Cupcake recipe from the blog Pastry Affair. This recipe is pretty complicated, and as my baking game has been pretty low lately I enlisted my friends Katia (her blog is here) and Brandon to help me out!
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